For Professionals
Stress has a major impact on the function of our body and our mind, and can impact our overall happiness and our performance in the workplace.
Follow our 5-step method to discover practical ways to get the results that you want to achieve, and then make sure that those results stick.
Laughter Yoga and Wellness Workshops
In today’s world, people want to be healthy, they want to be happy, but instead they are stressed, depressed, sleeping less, experiencing more negative thoughts and feeling isolated.
Discover your bliss in this weekly mantra meditation class

About The Laughter Lawyer
After being a lawyer for 25 years, Chamundai now helps other legal professionals to bring more joy into life. As an accredited mediator and conflict coach, her wellness programs bring relief from stress and increase happiness, inner peace, focus, empowerment and connection within the business system. Chamundai also coaches people who want a deeper connection with spirituality, are looking to find their purpose, and seek to help humanity using their unique gifts.
Sessions are practical and effective, fun and inspiring, delivered with compassion and professionalism.
Join us on our next event.